Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Statement

This privacy policy statement sets out the approach which Kommuniqué will take in relation to the treatment of personal information. It includes information on how Kommuniqué collects, uses, discloses and keeps secure, individual’s personal information. It also covers how Kommuniqué makes the personal information it holds available for access to and correction by the individual.



Kommuniqué will only collect personal information where the information is necessary for Kommuniqué to perform one or more of its functions or activities.

Kommuniqué collects personal information primarily to supply customers with the products and services ordered from it and its related companies.

Kommuniqué collects personal information in a number of ways, including:

a)      directly from you, when you provide information by phone, email or in documents such as an application form;

b)      from third parties such as our related companies, credit reporting agencies or your representatives;

c)      from publicly available sources of information;

Kommuniqué also collects and uses personal information for secondary purposes including:

a)      Billing and account management

b)      Business planning and product development

c)      To provide individuals with information about promotions, as well as the products and services of other Kommuniqué companies and other organizations.

Kommuniqué will notify individuals of the matters listed below before collecting any personal information:

a)      The main reason that we are collecting personal information

b)      Other related Uses or disclosures that we may make of the personal information

c)      Our identity and how individuals can contact us

d)     That individuals can access the personal information that Kommuniqué holds about them

e)      That individuals should contact our customer service department if they wish to access or correct or alter personal information collected by Kommuniqué

f)       The organizations to whom we disclose personal information to

Where it is not practicable for Kommuniqué to notify individuals of all of the collection information before the collection of the personal information, Kommuniqué will ensure that individuals are notified of the collection information as soon as possible after the collection.


2. USE

Kommuniqué will obtain an individual’s consent for use of non-sensitive personal information for secondary purposes at the time of collection.

Kommuniqué will not use personal information without taking reasonable steps to ensure that the information is accurate, complete and up to date.



Kommuniqué may disclose personal information to related or unrelated third parties if consent has been obtained from the individual.

This will include obtaining the individual's consent for disclosures made under the credit reporting requirements of the Privacy Act.

Kommuniqué may disclose personal information to unrelated third parties to enable outsourcing of functions such as billing and related purposes.

Kommuniqué will take reasonable steps to ensure that its contracts with third parties include requirements for third parties to comply with the Use and disclosure requirements of the Privacy Act.

Kommuniqué may disclose personal information to law enforcement agencies, government agencies, courts, credit reporting and collection agencies, a third party purchasing a bad debit or external advisers where permitted or required by law.

If a disclosure is not for a primary purposee; is not for a related secondary purpose; or upfront consent has not been obtained, Kommuniqué will not disclose personal information otherwise than in accordance with the exceptions set out above.



Kommuniqué will review, on a regular and ongoing basis, its collection and storage practices to ascertain how improvements to accuracy can be achieved.



Kommuniqué requires employees and contractors to perform their duties in a manner that is consistent with Kommuniqué’s legal responsibilities in relation to privacy.

Kommuniqué will take all reasonable steps to ensure that paper and electronic records containing personal information are stored in facilities that are only accessible by people within Kommuniqué who have a genuine "need to know" as well as "right to know".

Kommuniqué will review, on a regular and ongoing basis, its information security practices to ascertain how ongoing responsibilities can be achieved and maintained.



Kommuniqué’s website will contain a prominently displayed privacy statement. To contact us, please refer to the “how to contact us” section below.



Kommuniqué will allow its records containing personal information to be accessed by the individual concerned in accordance with the Privacy Act.

Kommuniqué will correct its records containing personal information as soon as practically possible, at the request of the individual concerned in accordance with the Privacy Act.

Individuals wishing to lodge a request to access and/or correct their personal information should do so by contacting Kommuniqué in writing at the contact details listed below.

Kommuniqué reserves the right to charge a fee for searching for and providing access to your information.



Kommuniqué will allow its customers to transact with it anonymously wherever that is reasonable and practicable.



If personal information must be sent by Kommuniqué overseas for sound business reasons, Kommuniqué will require the overseas organisation receiving the information to provide a binding undertaking that it will handle that information in accordance with the National Privacy Principles, preferably as part of the services contract.

How to contact us

If you have any questions in relation to privacy, you can write to our privacy manager, at

Privacy Manager
P.O. Box 2032
Traralgon, Victoria, 3844